Terms & Conditions
Once a booking is made all fees are to be paid at least one week prior to the start date of the club/camp. You may be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit to secure your booking. Refunds are not due in cases of sickness/injury or inability to attend the club/camp. Should any session need to be cancelled due to an act of God, no refund is due for the session.
CbaxterCoaching accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of your child's belongings. Provisional bookings will be held at our discretion and we shall not be liable in the event we are unable or unwilling to provide a booking confirmation which incorporates your preferred dates. You shall not be entitled to make any alteration to any documentation issued by us. Participation in activities requires individuals to be in good health and have a reasonable basic level of fitness and a willingness to take part.
Children will be required to ensure that their behaviour is compatible with the orderly conduct of activities and that minimal disturbance to other attendees is caused. Children are required at all times to follow the verbal and/or written instructions of our staff. We reserve the right to decline to accept or to cancel any booking or exclude any child at any time prior to the arrival date or between the arrival date and the departure date if in our reasonable opinion, the behaviour of that child is or may be disruptive, dangerous, inappropriate or incompatible with the general enjoyment of other visitors. This may include when a child presents with a special educational requirement which was not disclosed prior to arrival. If we exclude a child, the parent will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of the camp/club. Behaviour deemed inappropriate may include but is not limited to:- • Leaving the site unless accompanied by a member of our staff; •
Threatening behaviour including offensive or insulting language to other visitors or our staff; • Suspected involvement with illegal drugs; • Fostering an inappropriate relationship with another visitor; • Willfully leaving allocated areas without good reason; • Inappropriate use of mobile phones, cameras or video equipment • Theft, vandalism or illegal activities; • Inappropriate behaviour; • Bullying (in any form) which adversely affects the enjoyment of other attendees. • Injury to staff. All children are expected to abide by these rules and conditions. You must arrange for your child to be collected as soon as reasonably possible from when we contact you.
Any additional costs incurred shall be entirely your responsibility and you shall reimburse any costs reasonably incurred by us in connection with the exclusion of your child (to include costs of arranging alternative care and/ or transportation). A refusal to collect your child at the camps request will result in a notification to Social Services as a safeguarding concern. If a child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHC), you must notify us at the point of booking. The plan will need to be disclosed to us 14 days before a child’s stay. We reserve the right to cancel a booking if we cannot successfully meet the needs of the child. In the instance a child is seen to be injured or reports an injury to staff the child will be assessed by a first aider and appropriate first aid administered. All injuries will be reported to parent/guardian at the time of collection. Injuries deemed as needing further treatment will reported to parents immediately for the child to be collected. In an instance where a child is seen by our first aiders and has been deemed to be well, if a parent then requests the child to be taken to a doctors’ surgery or hospital, a parent/guardian will need to come and collect the child. CBaxter Coaching is insured for public liability via Ripe Insurance Services Ltd.
I understand that there may be some inherent risk of injury associated with my child’s participation in sports-related physical activities provided by Cbaxtercoaching. I hereby waive any and all claims of liability and agree to release and hold harmless Cbaxtercoaching in the event that such an injury occurs to my child as a result of taking part in activities under the banner of CbaxterCoaching including all Sports Camps & Clubs. Personal information requested during the booking process is held on computer and used by us in connection with the booking. Where necessary we share personal information with our employees, agents, subcontractors, franchisees and other third parties for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations under the contract. We take full responsibility for ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect personal information. Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, leaflet, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, booking confirmation, invoice or other documentation issued by us shall be subject to correction without any liability on our part. You agree to these terms and conditions at the point of booking and these conditions apply to all camps, clubs, activities and tournaments arranged by Cbaxtercoaching.